Nutrition Guidance
With all the possible commercial advertisings on the consumer market, we are often overwhelmed by abundant information and sometimes even more with misinformation.
It's vital to question the source of what we eat. It's not a question of restricting ourselves, but rather of knowing what we eat and why. Going straight to the essentials is the most important way of controlling what you eat.
My aim is to help you through the information around nutrition.
Exercising Programs
The primary aim of this service is to (re)give a taste for sports and exercises.
Whatever your objective is, my task will be to motivate you to regain control of your body by programing exercises for sustainable results in the long term.
Sleep Recovery Expertise
In a changing world, sleep plays a key role. It's an asset that will help you fight stress and other disturbances that might pop-up during life.
My role will be to identify and rectify with you your sleep recovery patterns.
Life Coach
Either good or bad, life is tough and sometimes we need external motivation, ideas, opinions, feedbacks...
My goal is to empower you with enthusiasm and positivism for embracing your life.
"There is an answer to every question and a solution to every problem". Bob Proctor.